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Turkey Marmara Marble Prices: Marmara Marble from Past to Present!


Marmara marble is produced in the oldest marble quarries located on Marmara Island, which belongs to Balıkesir. This marble, produced in Turkey's oldest marble quarries, is also used in many ancient historical buildings.

We have compiled all the information about Turkey Marmara marble prices and its usage areas for you. Enjoy reading!

Characteristics of Turkey Marmara Marble

Turkiye Marmara Marble

Turkey Marmara marble is one of the oldest types of marble. It is a material frequently used in marble structures throughout history. It has reached the present day with its modern and stylish appearance.

People wonder if Marmara marble, one of Turkey's oldest marbles, is of high quality. This type of marble is a very high-quality marble. Marmara marble, which has a durable structure, is also preferred in many areas.

How Much is the Price per Square Meter of Marmara Marble?

Turkiye Marmara Marble

People are curious about Marmara marble prices. Marmara marble has been a preferred product since ancient times because it has a modern and shiny appearance.

People who want to have Marmara marble installed research Marmara marble prices per square meter. Let's examine how much this marble costs.

Marmara Marble Prices

  1. Marmara marble block prices generally range between 600 TL and 1200 TL.
  2. Marmara marble prices for 2 cm thickness range between 400 TL and 500 TL.
  3. Equator Marmara marble prices generally range between 700 TL and 1500 TL.

Usage of Marmara Marble

Turkiye Marmara Marble

Since Marmara marble is one of the oldest types of marble, it has been preferred not only in Turkey but also in most parts of the world. This marble quarry, which was made in ancient times, started its activity from the Roman Period. In the marble quarries, work was done for sculptors during the Roman Period. Ornaments and engravings were used in detail on the marble.

In the Byzantine Period, it was also used as columns and column capitals in churches. In the Ottoman period, it was used in Dolmabahçe Palace and Çırağan Palace. Marmara marble was preferred as the main material, carrier, and decoration in the Ottoman Period.

Marmara marble is a marble composed of white, silver, and gray colors. This marble, which has a natural and stylish appearance, has prominent line designs on its surface. Some of its different shapes and patterns have been named as Marmara panda, Marmara Island. Some of these are known as types of this marble.

Types of Marmara Marble

  1. Marmara Panda Marble
  2. Equator Marmara Marble
  3. Silver Grey Marmara Marble

Let's explain the types of Marmara marble in more detail.

Marmara Panda Marble

Marmara panda marble is a type of marble extracted from Marmara Island. This marble, which has a striped design and colors in white, gray, and silver tones, gets its name from its appearance. It is generally a product preferred in Ottoman hammams.

Equator Marmara Marble

This marble, which has a different pattern of Marmara marble, is a more plain and straight-veined product. Due to its appearance, it is preferred in modern architecture and decorations.

Silver Grey Marmara Marble

This marble, which is a type of Marmara marble, has a gray color. This marble in a dark color offers a stylish appearance. It is generally preferred in bathrooms and kitchens.

What are the Characteristics of Marmara Marble?

Turkiye Marmara Marble

Marmara marble is frequently preferred from past to present. Well, let's answer this question about the characteristics of Marmara marble...

Marmara marble has been used since ancient times because it has a durable structure. This marble has many features. Let's examine these features in bullet points.

Characteristics of Marmara Marble

  1. Marmara marble is one of the oldest marbles that have come from ancient times to the present day.
  2. The most important feature of Marmara marble is that they can adapt to the climatic characteristics of the places where they are made.
  3. Since Marmara marble can reflect light well, it has the feature of keeping the environment it is made in cool.
  4. Since Marmara marble has a semi-transparent structure, it makes the environment it is made in brighter and more spacious.
  5. Marmara marbles prevent bacterial formation because they contain sulfur minerals. For this reason, it is often preferred in hammams.
  6. Since this type of marble has a very durable and strong structure, the possibility of breaking is low.
  7. This marble has some patterns according to its shape and color. They are known by names such as Marmara panda, Marmara zebra. The components of this marble are the same, but they differ in appearance. They can be preferred for decoration.

In Which Areas is Marmara Marble Used?

Turkiye Marmara Marble

People wonder in which areas Marmara marble is used. Since Marmara marble is one of the oldest types of marble, it was preferred in most structures during the periods it was used. Let's talk about the areas where this type of marble is used in detail in bullet points.

Areas of Use for Marmara Marble

  1. In hammams, as wall covering and gobektasi (heated central marble platform)
  2. In fountain stones
  3. In wall coverings
  4. In floor coverings
  5. In sculptures
  6. In cemeteries
  7. In mosques
  8. In madrasas
  9. In palaces
  10. In columns
  11. In sinks
  12. In bathrooms
  13. In countertops
  14. In churches

Marmara marble is a product used in many buildings from past to present. This marble is frequently preferred because it is both durable and stylish.

How is Marmara Marble Cleaned?

Turkiye Marmara Marble

The question of how to clean Marmara marble is a question that people wonder about. Since Marmara marble has a very strong structure, it is a product preferred in many areas. This marble, like other marble types, is a marble that is easy to maintain.

It has a long life as long as it is used carefully. Let's discuss the situations you should pay attention to in bullet points.

Things to Pay Attention to When Cleaning Marmara Marble

  1. Since Marmara marble contains an antibacterial mineral, it does not hold bacteria on its surface. For this reason, it is often preferred in kitchen countertops and hammams.
  2. To avoid problems such as stains on the marble, it is important to be careful not to put acidic products on it.
  3. It is important to have annual maintenance or coating done to prevent stains, scratches, and the like from forming on the marble.
  4. To prevent marks from forming on the marble, it is necessary to put hot products on stands.
  5. When cleaning the marble, it is necessary to do it with a cloth and a detergent that does not contain too many chemical products.
  6. It is important to have the honing and polishing technique done by experts to maintain the shine and smoothness of the marble surface as on the first day.

Although Marmara marble has a durable structure, regular maintenance is necessary for a long life.

In this article, we explained in detail the prices of Marmara marble, its characteristics, and usage areas. If you liked our articles of this type, you can visit our page and take a look at our other articles.

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